Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The river glistens in the mid afternoon light, rolling off the rocks gently giving life to fish and plants alike. As I ease in at the foaming bend in the river I feel better than I have in years. I just want to sit here for the rest of my life, one with nature, the promising future of earth. I feel as if I have been here long enough to grow roots, yet I am just a filter to which the water passes through cleansing me, my soul and my body, as if to say that I have a clean slate, a new life with which to do whatever I please.


  1. It paints a Garden of Eden picture. I like how you included the cleansing part that was really good.

  2. Wow, I felt like I was in that river. Nice mental picture you created!

  3. That what cool. I really liked how you said that it's cleaning out your soul and starting a new life. It was very enjoyable. Good job:)


A Tree Grows In Brooklyn