Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spring Poem

Author's Note: I wrote this poem to convey the natural order and cycle of things through something that everybody understands. What better that nature?

Spring hides in and underneath all that is winter
Waiting paitiently to shine
Growing with each second
Finding itself
Slowly it emerges
Washing away white as a speck of dirt
Chances appear like new leaves
A new birth
As a mother nutures a child
The earth is nurtured by spring
But as a mother must let go
So must spring into a warm peaceful summer


  1. I really liked the way you started it. It made the reader very interested in what else you had to say. I enjoy reading it, and I liked how you said "But as a mother must let go..." Good job:)

  2. This is reallly good. I like how you compared spring to our lives and the other way around. I can't think of anything to fix. Great job :)


A Tree Grows In Brooklyn